About URparamount

URLOGO clear bkgrnd+whiteWe’re here for you… because YOU ARE paramount!

We don’t just say it, we mean it. Call or email and we do our best to either answer right away. Yes, pretty much 24/7, evenings, weekends, holidays and birthdays included!

Rare customer service. Why do we do  it?

Because YOU ARE paramount!

Take care of yourself.  Why?

Because YOU ARE paramount!

I’ll help you understand how our products may help you the way they’ve helped me: The Rife 101 Energy System, Ionized Water, Chlorella & Spirulina, CBD-Rich Hemp Oil and the others.

Go read MY STORY if you haven’t yet – that’s why YOU ARE paramount – because years ago it was hard to research “alternative” health. It was hard to go against what the doctors said. It was hard to go with what the doctors said! I was pretty much on my own.

But, YOU ARE paramount, so I’m here for you, bringing you good common health sense and the best products that I use myself to continue feeling better now than 30 years ago!

My best, always,
Tina Rappaport, Owner www.URparamount.com

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