RC in PA wrote his bladder cancer testimonial:
I was diagnosed with bladder cancer on 3-14-13. I was 57 years old. I had a cystoscopy done on 3-15-13. The results were a picture of the tumor, and a pathology report of the biopsied material. The tumor was malignant, and measured 3.3cm X 6.2cm (1.3″ X 2.4″). The Urologist told me that I had to have my bladder removed. I was referred to a Urological surgeon who also told me the same thing. Fortunately, I have a Rife machine that I’ve had for about 6 years.

Bladder Cancer Tumor before using Rife machine
I’ve used the device to cure myself of minor ailments, such as bursitis and others. Over the years I have researched Rife machines very thoroughly. I’m a computer technician, and an electronic specialist. I understand how the device works. To make a long story short, I didn’t take the advice of the Urologists, and instead used the Rife machine to start curing myself of cancer. In 2 weeks I was able to destroy about 33% of the tumor, which I verified by having another scan done. The results of the second scan showed that the tumor was 3.3cm X 4cm (1.3″ X 1.5″), a significant reduction in size.
A good friend of mine is an Oncologist. My research indicated that I could accelerate the destruction of the tumor by doing a small amount of chemo along with the Rife machine. My doctor friend didn’t have a problem with that, so that’s what I did. It felt like bugs were crawling around in my bladder. I realized that it was the cancer cells of the tumor being exploded. The results were remarkable. About 2 hours after the first chemo treatment I had to urinate. What came out of me was blood, and pieces of the tumor. This went on for 3 days. On the 4th day my urine was clear yellow, and it’s been that way ever since. I did four more chemo treatment to be sure that the tumor had been destroyed. I did not lose my hair or throw up like most people. In short I suffered very few side effects normally associated with chemo.

Bladder Cancer gone after Rife Machine
I had a CT scan done on 7-30-13. The results showed no evidence of the tumor. I had a second cystoscopy done on 8-15-13. The results were no visual evidence of the tumor, and the pathology report said no evidence of malignancy in the biopsied material. My Oncologist made some phone calls to check and see if there were any other cases with results like mine. There were none. My research into cancer, and chemo leads me to believe that without the use of the Rife machine I would still have cancer. The bottom line is that Rife machines do work, and should be used in the treatment of cancer today.
As to how I fared while doing the chemo, I did not lose my hair like most people and I did not throw up like most people. In short, I suffered very few side effects normally associated with chemo. My platelet levels went down, and my red cell count went down. These are to be expected when doing chemo. Chemotherapy is a very poor form of treatment as it destroys the tumor and cancer, as well as the good things in your body. It’s a catch 22. If your good stuff goes down they stop the chemo treatments for awhile. The problem is that while the good stuff is coming back so is the cancer. My Oncologist told me that it should have taken at least 2-3 years of chemo to get rid of a tumor that size. Cancer almost always goes into remission, and almost never goes away. In my case the cancer is completely gone. All that is left is some scar tissue, which my Urologist confirmed. I told him I could live with it.
In my opinion, Dr. Royal Rife was a genius. Since I’m a computer technician and electronic specialist, I have a better understanding of how a Rife device works more than most people. It does what Dr. Rife designed it to do, and should be used more extensively today.
The Rife 101 Energy System does produce harmonic frequencies, which may have an effect on the targeted virus. Modern day Rife machines use modern day electronics, which are much more precise than Dr. Rife’s original vacuum tube device. I’m pretty sure that the modern day ones are more powerful than the original.
More people need to be made aware of the Rife 101. My proof that it works is my medical records. You don’t get rid of a large cancerous tumor, and all cancer in the body with just 5 chemo treatments and no radiation.
It amazes me how many people are almost superstitious about Rife technology. I know of 2 people that had cancer and were offered the use of a Rife machine, and wouldn’t touch it. They are now dead. The 3 words you don’t want to hear are “You Have Cancer”. Without Rife technology it’s almost like a death sentence. My nephew told me he would be amazed if it worked, now he’s eating crow, and is a believer. My son’s comment was “Wouldn’t you try anything if you had cancer?” What do you have to lose, nothing. A Rife machine is non- invasive, and all you have is some money, and time invested. If it doesn’t work you are no worse off than you were before.
My father is the person who told me about Dr. Rife, his invention, and technology. I discussed it extensively with my father, and asked him bottom line, what did he think. He said “I guarantee that it works.” My father is a chemical engineer, and a graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and a member of Mensa. He doesn’t make statements like that unless he is sure. – RC, PA
NOTE FROM TINA: RC sent these before and after photos along with the medical documentation of his success. While “your results may vary,” I get several of these type of Rife testimonials each week. I eventually get them up on the Rife 101 Testimonial Page, but I have more testimonials on everything from paraesophageal hernia to colon cancer, from lung tumor to breast cancer, from gout to fibromyalgia. Stay tuned each month through our newsletter – sign up on the left side-menu!