Tag Archives: nerve pathways

My Rife Machine Theory of Wellness


Rife Model 101 Frequency Generator

Rife Model 101 Frequency Generator


We know the Rife Frequency Generator technology bombards diseased or damaged cells  and pathogens (cancer, diabetes, herpes, etc.) causing the cell wall to rupture, and then be excreted. The Rife 101 energy machine also improves communication along the nerve pathways, clearing possible blockages while tuning the body’s frequency. The Rife machine’s frequencies helps establish a good flow through the body’s energy meridians. However,  in my opinion, while it could be life-saving, it is usually used as damage control and repair, which is a miracle, improving wellness in a short time. It’s also used prophylactically to prevent trouble. But, if we understand the benefits of a healthy alkaline, oxygenated internal environment, one that will not support disease and pathogens, then it follows that we also understand that we must strengthen and support our inner terrain with a less acidic, alkaline diet and lifestyle for the long-term. Bathing your cells with high alkaline ionized water and following a mostly alkaline diet will help you avoid illness in the long term, coupled with exercise, positive attitude, sunshine and happiness. The Rife machine can restore and promote wellness if it got away from you! It can also act to protect you against “invaders”. (See Rife101 Testimonials here)

Rife Model 101 with wrist bands

Rife Model 101 with wrist bands

The Rife machine is certainly wonderful, and quite a miracle for so many of us, and it can be used for a “quick fix” and that can easily be sustained by repeated use, but problems may return, and maybe other problems will surface as well if your internal environment remains acidic and you haven’t adequately removed toxins like heavy metals. I highly recommend the Rife 101 Machine ALONG WITH an alkaline regimen and a detoxification plan.  I’m only an email away if you have questions!

URparamount is the online distributor for the Rife Model 101 Energy Machine. I have my own testimonials mixed in with the many Rife 101 user testimonials of people helped by this unit. I’m available for your questions pretty much 24/7, evenings, weekends and birthdays included! Emails are often best.
Rocky LOVES strawberries!

The Rife Model 101 saved Rocky from the brink of death by Parvo!

If you haven’t yet read how the Rife101 machine helped our dog, Rocky, click this line! It’s easy to use the Rife Machine on pets by using one of the four methods of attachment.
Learn more on the Rife Machine Features page.